Alie Eleveld is a pediatric Nurse from the Netherlands, specialized in Tropical Medicine and Public Health. She holds a Master in Public Health with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She has worked in Eastern Africa (Zambia, Congo, South Sudan and Kenya) leading public health programs and research since 1984. She is permanent resident in Kenya. She is founder of Safe Water and AIDS Project (SWAP) an award winning NGO which is operating in 7 counties in Western Kenya with public health programs, research and emergency response. SWAPs mission is to provide innovative solutions for improved health and economic status of communities. Under her leadership SWAP has implemented research in partnership with GOK and National and International Research Partners focused on WASH, Menstrual Hygiene Management, Early Childhood Development, Maternal and Child Health, Clean Cook stoves and COVID-19. This has led to over 60 publications in International peer reviewed journals. Alie serves as Vice Chair in the Board of Nyanza Reproductive Health Society and has been active member of the Health NGO Network (HENNET) and was National Chair between 2017 and 2019. She further provides advisory services in various MOH led technical working groups. Alie was decorated by the Dutch Queen as “Knight in the Order of Orange Nassau” for her work in HIV and her dedication to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable and marginalized communities. In 2020 she was appointed by the Council of Governors as member of the Lake Region Economic Bloc COVID-19 advisory committee of eminent persons.