The Nyanza Reproductive Health Society (NRHS) is registered under the Kenyan Societies Act and was initiated when the UNIM (Universities of Nairobi, Illinois and Manitoba) randomized controlled trial of male circumcisio
VMMC is the removal of man’s foreskin. It is widely used ,simple and safe procedure. Men can be circumcised. While many men in Kenya have already undergone this procedure, only 10% of Luo Men are Circumcised. VMMC can provide against HIV infection.
Research Study
Nyanza Reproductive Health Society has got several research studies underway and forthcoming.
NRHS has an extensive infrastructure to support its programs and studies. You can access our Annual Reports, Publications, and Tenders.
Our Approaches
NRHS implements its mission through a combination of approaches including: research, training, policy advocacy, programming and partnerships. This section describes in detail how NRHS applies each of these approaches in achieving its mission.
Research: Health research is one of NRHS’ core competencies. NRHS specializes in reproductive
health and HIV/STI prevention and treatment research. NRHS is the pioneer male circumcision
research organization in Kenya and has completed several high-profile researches over the years

NRHS has an extensive record of working closely with the National and County Ministries of Health and the National AIDS and STI Control Program. It has been a leader of the scale-up of VMMC in Kenya, providing technical assistance to the Ministries of Health and the National AIDS and STI Control Program and other governmental bodies in a bid to translate research into policies. NRHS has been the lead institution for several studies related to HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health with funding from diverse agencies including the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, the Population Council, the UHAI Foundation, and John Snow International.

This project is funded by NIH to Dr. Surpiya Mehta (PI) at University of Illinois at Chicago with a sub-contract to NRHS. Among 440 schoolgirls

Working with Key Population
This project was funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control directly to NRHS. Dr. Fredrick Otieno was the P.I. There was additional funding from UKAID through

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision(VMMC)
By the late 1990’s, many cross-sectional and longitudinal studies conducted across numerous countries strongly indicated that uncircumcised
Who we are
The Nyanza Reproductive Health Society (NRHS) is registered under the Kenyan Societies Act and was initiated when the UNIM (Universities of Nairobi, Illinois and Manitoba) randomized controlled trial of male circumcision for reduction of HIV incidence began.
NRHS is active in conducting research in reproductive health and HIV prevention and is also active in the implementation of HIV intervention services in Kenya. NRHS has a strong track record and experience in research and in translating research into practice.

Nyanza Reproductive Health Society (NRHS) envisions a world where vulnerable individuals and communities are empowered to define and achieve their own needs and goals.
NRHS mission is to improve public health though research, evidence-based programming, capacity building, education and advocacy
Community participation
NRHS builds trust and ownership by communities on its research and programmes. NRHS involves communities to identify and prioritize their needs, and to design, implement, evaluate and improve research and programmes.
NRHS hosts BACHELOR’S in Medical Microbiology students from Jomo Kenyatta University Of Science and Technology. Each was placed in different projects and fulfilled their field practicum for their degree while also assisting our staff. They used their experience and data that they collected as the basis for their capstone before graduating from JKUAT. Also NRHS hosted a number of interns from colleges and universities throughout Different Institutions. These included an intern in our Clinical Department From Kenya Methodist University.
My Name is Nicole Mary Adhiambo Omondi, Graduate From Kenya Methodist University. I am Here for Internship Under Clinical Department
My Name is Bianca Akoth Akinyi. Graduate from Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology. I’m here for Internship Under laboratory department.
My name is Christine Achieng Graduate from Jomo Kenyatta University Of Science and Technology. I’m Here for Internship Under Laboratory Department.
Recent Updates
NRHS has an extensive record of working closely with the National and County Ministries of Health and the National AIDS and STI Control Program. Get all our latest news, Articles in this blog section
Infant Circumcision Training
Male circumcision is widely practiced for religious and traditional reasons, often within the...
Stakeholders Meeting at Anderson Convention Centre
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IDADA Procession
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Our Collaborators

Talk to us
Nyanza Reproductive Health Society
UNIM Research and Training Centre.
Lumumba sub County Hospital Compound
off Ondiek Highway
P. O. Box 1764, Kisumu 40100
Phone: 0713113275